Shri Sant Shankar Maharaj College of Agriculture Pimpalkhuta was established to provide a platform of opportunity for young individuals to learn through experience and to be empowered to make a positive difference. Empowerment of students through need based agriculture education pertaining to efficient utilization of natural resources for sustainable agriculture development and also to encourage the studentsfor future opportunities in the field of human resource development and enterprenership.


To impart technical education in agriculture and related area.
To increase farmers living standard by helping them.
To provide the food security and nutrition.
To develop good human resources and provide innovative technological services to farming community.

College At Glance

   Shri Sant Shankar Maharaj College Of Agriculture Approved MCAER (Maharashtra Council of Agriculture Education & Research, Pune) & Affiliated to Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. Shri Sant Shankar Maharaj College of Agriculture is established in 10 July, 2008 with the minimum capacity of 60 students. But in 2014, on the ground of excellence and progress since past 6 years, MCAER Pune increases the intake capacity from 60 to120 students. Since establishment of college many well known personalities like Shri Vijayrao Kolte, Ex-vice President, MCAER; Dr. Vandana Shiva, Environmental Scientist, Deharadun; Dr. V. M. Bhale, Ex-Dean (Agri.), Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth , Akola; Shri Balasaheb Barhate, SAO, Wardha, (N.S.S. University Co-ordinators); Shri Sanjay Kokate, Shri Rajabhau Bhuyar, MLA; Shri Avinashji Pande, Napgur; Yashomatitai Thakur, Tiosa; Shri. Virendra Jagtap,Chandur Rly (MLA). On their visits, all the visitors appreciate the performance and activities of the college. The college is doing better progress under the excellent guidance and dedication of Shri. Nanduseth Bandoji Chavhan, President and other respected management committee members. According to anti-ragging law (1991)of Government of India, the ragging is completely banned in this college. If anyone found guilty, then strict action will be enforced against him/her..

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Recent Activities



Motivational programme for student in NSS special camp

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   B.Sc. (Honours) Agriculture course is an undergraduate programme in the stream of agriculture. Unlike regular B.Sc. courses, this programme is of four-year duration. This is because the course is considered as a professional degree programme per the Government of India. With the increasing focus on agricultural practices in the country, the demand for trained professionals in this area has also been increasing. In fact, agriculture employs nearly half of the Indian population. Thus, the craze for courses in agriculture has also been on a rise among students.

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Brief description of college

Name of college Shri Sant Shankar Marahraj Agriculture College,Pimpalkhuta Tq-Dhamangaon (Rly.) Dist- Amravati
Parent body Shri Sant Shankar Marahraj Ahram Trust, Pimpalkhuta (Reg. No A/1670 )
Name of University Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. (Maharashtra)

Course Intake Capacity Duration
B.Sc. (Hons.)Agriculture 120 (Includes 20% Institutional Quota.) 4 Years (8 Semester)


Shri. Sant Shankar Maharaj
Founder President
Shri. Nanduseth Bandoji Chavhan
Dr. Shrikant Jagannathji Kakade
Dr. Nitin Wasudevrao Raut
Shri. Bhausaheb Savaleramji Barhate
Adv. Shri. Prakash Uttamrao Deshmukh
Shri. Devendra Panditrao Walhekar
Shri. Indrajit Sumantrao Deshmukh
Shri. Santosh Vasantrao Pokale
Shri. Mahadev Rambhauji Shivankar
Shri. Raju Balakramji Bhoge
Dr. Chandrakant Uttamrao Patil
Principal / Secretary
Shri. Dipak Pandurang Bondre
Teaching Representative
Shri. Pramod Vishnuji Nagpure
Non-Teaching Representative